Friday, December 23, 2011

What I'm Loving-December edition!!!

Loving to craft and create things like this ornament wreath. Made with bulbs I purchased while thrifting. Love it.

Loving my son's kindergarten teacher and wanted to make something special.

Loving my son. Remember how excited you were to be the angel in the Christmas play? Well, boys have their version. I've never met a more proud and happy shepherd in all my life.

Loving the tradition of baking and decorating and sharing Santa Claus cookies.

Loving this rojo media center from Crate and Barrel. Loving? Coveting? Needing? OMYGODGIVEITTOME!!!

Loving Chex Mix. I put it in the freezer until I need it. And to hide it from me. And then I realized cold Chex Mix is even better!

Loving pearls. I love pearls. A lot. A lot.

Loving Tim Tebow and the role model he is for my son. Refreshing to see a humble, hard-working and wholesome professional athlete. Loving little guy's version of Tebowing:

Loving my new doggy. My first dog. My only dog. My didn't want a dog, but got a dog and love a dog, dog. His name is Ozzy.

Loving the Murphy-Goode winery wine. Nice addition to craft time. Bake time. Wrap time. Movie Time.

Loving this post!