Top Ten Most Positive People in My Whole Entire Life!!!!!
In particular order:
1. God. This is the best picture I could find of God. He's not much for posing in pictures. Or maybe he is in every picture. I don't know. What I do know, is that when I talk to God and Believe in God, my life has peace and harmony.

2. Justin. Man. So, so, so blessed to have this man in my life. He is loyal and loving and handy and handsome and WOW!!! Let's just say that #1 was 'good lookin out!' when He put Justin in my life!
3. River. You know? This kid, besides being the entire air I breathe. He is FUNNY. I realize, I am partial and I also realize that he is FIVE. But seriously, he can make me laugh. belly laugh. every. single. day. For example: yesterday, he wore a shirt and tie to school because it was chapel day. After putting his tie on, he says "Momma. I look like a college boy. Am I a college boy?" "yes sweetie, you are". Today. We are getting dressed. He has a long sleeve polo shirt on. He asks to wear the tie again. I think 'a little weird, but just a battle, i don't feel like fighting!' and let him wear the peach colored tie with a brown/green striped polo. whatever. and then he says "momma. i'm the guy from 9 news today' and he goes into a whole rendition 'i'm river, reporting live from boulder. next up, we have the weather'. too funny.
4. Mom. Despite the fact that my parents were divorced when I was a mere 9 MONTHS OLD! really. who does that?? I had a relatively normal childhood. No weird uncles. No physical abuse. Lots of love. My needs were met. I had attention. I had a bed time. My parents went to my parent/teacher conferences. I had a curfew. I had rules. I had consequences. I had it all. I was happy. There sure are a lot of I's in this mom post. Interesting. Thank you mom. You are in many ways, my very good friend and confidante. I love hearing your nightly updates of Dancing With the Stars. I admire your passion for teaching. You are a beautiful role model of healthy living. You are hot. xoxo
5. Dad. You have had the biggest impact on my culture. The way I do things up in here. You are a true rags to riches story. You are the definition of success. You give the greatest advice. I love everything about you. You are strong and able. And I won't mention anything about the cancer. Because cancer isn't who you are. Cowboy, dad, grandpa, husband, with a side of banking. That is who you are. xoxo
6. Donna. We really oughta be the Virginia Slims Poster Girls. Why? Cuz' we've come a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way baby!!! Donna. My step-mom of over 33 years. You are a saint and a sinner. And I can say that because I'm 99% sure you will never read this. And in the 1% chance, you do read this, know that you are forgiven for being a little bit horrible at times. I also apologize for being a little bt horrible to you. Especially the time I told you, you were a 'stupid fucking bitch'. That wasn't right. But enough of that. You are my style icon. You ooze with class and sophistication. You are my friend. You are the love of my dad's life. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. You are the best grandmother and you are a DAMN good domestic goddess. xoxo
7. Gwammie. Patricia Ann Gwammie Pat. My favorite. They just don't make 'em like this anymore. I love the fact that she grew up in South Central Los Angeles. Holla!! Met my Grandpa in L.A while he was in the Army. World War 2 VET,HOLLA!! (R.I.P Grandpa). Anyway, met Grandpa, fell in love and then moved to the farm. And by farm, I mean, a 3 day train ride from her family. Smack dab in the middle of corn and soybean country. On a farm. Not just living in the country. Living/working on the farm. Nearest town? Population 1800. And she did it with class. And morals. She's a good girl. I'm pretty sure they have a special room in heaven for guys and girls like Gwammie. And I would like to add that she makes the best, BEST, BEST, like BEST EVER: chocolate chip cookies, egg salad and chocolate sauce. Oh, and she is a genius on the computer. She is 84. And has a Facebook account. That keeps me honest. xoxo!!!
8. Mandy. Today's topic is POSITIVE INFLUNCES. And this girl is one of my tops. My friend from high school. We laugh, we cry, we gossip, we craft, we cook, we talk and talk and talk and talk. And then we repeat. She is a good person. A beautiful heart and a solid friend. I love her forever. xoxo
9. Emma. Emily. E-Maw. E-Monster. Mee Seester. What can I say. We have our own language. We have ups. We have downs. Usually she doesn't know when we are down. Which is great. I love having a sister. And a little sister, at that. And my little sister is 30 now. And a mommy. And I love her.
10. Melanie. Mel. Aunt Meel. Not sure why I'm doing the duplicate nicknames. It just started and I can't stop. This girl. She is my wine drinking buddy. My friend. My confidante. My sister-in-law. And the BEST aunt in the WORLD. I'm not joking. You might be a good aunt. I know I definitely love being an aunt. But we aren't the BEST aunt. Melanie, she is the BEST AUNT IN THE WORLD. xoxo
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