Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mountain Momma

When our son came home with a homework assignment to go on a nature walk and collect fall related memorabilia, we took it very seriously. We slept until noon and went to Starbucks. Ordered a tall Zen for the boy, a large Pikes Peak Roast for the man and a dreamy, creamy Pumpkin Chai for moi. Then we headed for the hills. Wheelchair and all. Driving through the high country with homework on our minds. John Denver on the ipod.

Yes, breaking out my thermals for the year and some out of control frizzy hair. And for some reason an attitude from hell. I had to put myself in check and vow to appreciate the beauty of the land. The freshness of the air. And the excitement of the little boy in the backseat.

Finished the day dining al fresco on the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder.

Hello Fall. I love you.

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