Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hospital time 2011

If I knew how to use my fancy iPhone, I would be able to rock a sweet post with pictures and everything.

But I ain't a very smart one.

Picture this. One flu/cold/asthma attacked little five year old boy. Tied to tubes and bells and whistles. Still smiling. Still playing. Happier than heck to be exposed to an xbox. Ready to be home but making the best of things.

Then there is crazy, psycho mom with guilt, anger, sadness, helplessness, no sleep, no coffee and no exercise. No sunshine either.

But I'm greatful. Because I am blessed.

I am married to a husband. And a daddy. The kind of daddy that takes the night shift. And doesn't sleep on the pull out couch. He crawls in bed with his little boy, to snuggle and soothe.

Thank you.

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