Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My mini-man and my menu

First of all. We had a birthday. We are six now. And by we, I mean he:

He is convinced you only grow the night before your birthday. He thinks he woke up six inches taller. If that's the case, I'm really concerned. I'll be 9 feet 2 inches in August. Yikes.

Our menu this week looks like this:

SUNDAY: popcorn. always has been. always will be. and IZZE's. they are good. and local.

MONDAY: tacos

TUESDAY: tuna patties and steamed veggies

WEDNESDAY: hot wings on the grill

THURSDAY: baked spaghetti

FRIDAY: pork chops and wild rice

***totally random. I'm totally aware. totally***


Valerie@chateaualamode.typepad.com said...

Hello Hippie Mama, I'm visiting from Meg's blog. Don't you just love her? I love that you have popcorn for dinner on Sundays....hmmm sounds like a good idea!

Wildmama said...

Hi Ms. Valerie, yes, I LOVE Meg's blog a TON! she is so creative!! you should totally have popcorn on Sunday, it is an old family tradition of ours, Sunday dinner and popcorn at night!