I am so proud to be River's mommy. He is articulate and inquisitive and already has a love of reading. Reading has been an important part of my life and I can't imagine my life without books! It is one of my favorite activities to do with RW. We are currently reading 'The Mouse and the Motorcycle' by Beverly "greatest children's book author" Cleary. We read a few pages every night and RW looks at me while I'm reading, hanging on every word with anticipation and suspense.
My first experience reading with River was in-utero. Justin was reading 'One Fish, Two, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish'. When we got to the "hump of a bump of a wump" part, I got a bunch of kicks from inside as if to say "more more more".
As a 1-2 year old, River's favorite book was "Trucks". I always let him pick the book we are going to read and for awhile there, a LONG while he would pick "Trucks". Sometimes I would even hide the book because much as he loved it, I would get sick of it. I mean really I must have read "this is a truck going through a tunnel. this is the truck delivering the newspaper. this is the bread truck with bread for the store" over and over and over! I never hid the book too long, because he would actually go looking for it. With a look of "where did i put that Truck book? I know it must be here SOMEwhere!"
Now at age 3, I'll hear him talking and when I find him, often times it is sitting on the floor reading a book (see picture). It is too die for cute and makes my heart glow.
Obviously I am a woman and being the mother of a son, I am constantly learning new things about the other gender. Reading books to my son is opening up a whole new world for me. Instead of chick lit and feminine genre, I have been learning, albeit at the toddler level about more traditionally male things. Like trucks, automobiles, trains, planes, tractors etc. It's been interesting for sure. And, I'm loving every minute of it!!
Now off to perfect the PPPBBBBFFFFFF Ralph makes when operating his motorcycle. I love it!
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