I just love the show Chelsea Lately. That reminds me, I must check out her books from the library! I've started reading the bible too. Roxie gave me a bible for my birthday and I just started reading Esther. I thought I should pick a chick to read first!! So far so good! Esther had her v-card and her soon to be husband, Sir King so and so ordered her to have 12 months of beauty/spa treatments. That's pretty romantic in my book!
Running is going well. I have been doing some kick butt playlists, keeping daily contact with my virtual running buddy and stalking some online message boards. I'm running tommorow morning too!
Eating is going okay. I upped my calories to 1800 this morning b/c I was not sticking to 1500 calories, eating sugar and feeling bad. I think I have some fucked up eating intuitions, so I've reserved the book Intuitive Eating at the library. I'm hoping that will work out my kinks. I'm also considering a dietician of some sort! I really want a healthy relationship with food. I love myself and I love my body. I just want to be healthier. No self hate/loathing here!!
Work is going well. Sometimes I get frustrated because several of my co-workers are atheists, don't believe in God and very vocal about it. They are also extremely liberal in their views which is hard for me, because I'm mostly conservative! I believe our government is getting too big and taking control of too much and it quite frankly scares the shit out of me. I feel if you are irresponsible with your spending, then maybe you should be held accountable, not given aid. I could go on and on and on and on and on. But, I'll save that for another day. Hugs and Kisses.
Welcome to HippieWildMama, I hope you enjoy! Please, leave a comment and tell me about yourself!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Mo' running!
Okay, so a few months ago, I visited my very best bestie, Mandy, in Baton Rouge....ugggg!! no pics on this computer..anyway....we went for a 4 mile run and ended with a snowcone in the parking lot....they do that in Louisiana...they sell snowcones in the parking lot of running/walking paths....AWESOME....they don't do that in Colorado....anyway, anyway, anyway.......we decided we were going to run a 1/2 marathon in Lincoln, NE (our homestate) in May 2010....holy wow!!...here's ma plan, suckkas:
Begin the one hour runner (OHR) on 09/21/09 (my three year running anniversary)
Run a TurkeyTrot on Turkey Day 2009
Finish OHR on 11/28/09
December: run 30 min/Monday, run 40 min/Wednesday, run long run/Saturdays
Jan: start pre training for 1/2 via coolrunning
Feb: run a 10k
Feb 15: begin 1/2 training
Begin the one hour runner (OHR) on 09/21/09 (my three year running anniversary)
Run a TurkeyTrot on Turkey Day 2009
Finish OHR on 11/28/09
December: run 30 min/Monday, run 40 min/Wednesday, run long run/Saturdays
Jan: start pre training for 1/2 via coolrunning
Feb: run a 10k
Feb 15: begin 1/2 training
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I SWEAT in gym class.
That is my new mantra. It's true. There's a story behind it. When I was in high school, my mom returned from parent/teacher conferences. My gym teacher told her that "Jeni does well in class, but, she's not one to sweat in class". At the time I was thinking, duh!!, why sweat in gym class, ruins the day!!
Fast forward to my enlightenment about 2 weeks ago....I want to sweat in gym class...i want to put effort into what I am doing...whether it is my career, my relationship, my mothering, my RUNNING, etc...so, there you have it...
and NOW, is time for some goals:
1. run 3 times a week (larry's loop, sarah's loop, long loop)
2. sign up to run a 5k in November...turkey trot?
3. start training for the Lincoln Half Marathon at the New Year
4. Holy bejeezus. Run/Finish the Lincoln Half.
5. Run my race, for me, by me. Don't worry about other people. Oh yes, and sweat!
1. check weekly denver post for jobs.
2. check weekly judicial postings.
3. keep my appearance up, SS!!!, better feeling=more marketable, sucks but true
4. stay on top of my current workload.
5. apply to atleast one job per month...
1. be someone that he looks forward to coming home too
2. smile big whenever he walks in the room
3. once a week, ebb with his flo, whatever it may be....burgers at Jays? sure!!
4. once a month....make his lunch (he really digs this crap)
5. look and feel my best...:)
1. read to him once a day (in addition to bedtime books)
2. spend time looking at his fish with him, once a day
3. once a week, take him on an outdoor adventure
4. smile big whenever he walks in the room
5. never let go of his hugs first!
and that my friends, is all for now!!
Fast forward to my enlightenment about 2 weeks ago....I want to sweat in gym class...i want to put effort into what I am doing...whether it is my career, my relationship, my mothering, my RUNNING, etc...so, there you have it...
and NOW, is time for some goals:
1. run 3 times a week (larry's loop, sarah's loop, long loop)
2. sign up to run a 5k in November...turkey trot?
3. start training for the Lincoln Half Marathon at the New Year
4. Holy bejeezus. Run/Finish the Lincoln Half.
5. Run my race, for me, by me. Don't worry about other people. Oh yes, and sweat!
1. check weekly denver post for jobs.
2. check weekly judicial postings.
3. keep my appearance up, SS!!!, better feeling=more marketable, sucks but true
4. stay on top of my current workload.
5. apply to atleast one job per month...
1. be someone that he looks forward to coming home too
2. smile big whenever he walks in the room
3. once a week, ebb with his flo, whatever it may be....burgers at Jays? sure!!
4. once a month....make his lunch (he really digs this crap)
5. look and feel my best...:)
1. read to him once a day (in addition to bedtime books)
2. spend time looking at his fish with him, once a day
3. once a week, take him on an outdoor adventure
4. smile big whenever he walks in the room
5. never let go of his hugs first!
and that my friends, is all for now!!
Glad I'm not a follower!!
Gah. If I were following my blog. Which none of you are. Anyway, if I were following my blog,I would be pissed off. No new posts in 4 months??? Are you, am I crazy. Boring. But I'm here. I'm queer. Get used to me. No, I'm not queer. But I like to rhyme. Time. You dig??
Because, a blog ain't a good one without the eye candy....

Anyway, on to more important things....oops, more candy.

i'm done.
P.S: OMG, i'm famous!!! I've had my first comment on a previous post!!! Thank you!
Because, a blog ain't a good one without the eye candy....

Anyway, on to more important things....oops, more candy.

i'm done.
P.S: OMG, i'm famous!!! I've had my first comment on a previous post!!! Thank you!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Stop right there!
I'm warning you. There is a lot of cussing in this blog. Which is weird really, because in real life, i'm not much of a cusser. Okay, that might be a lie. But, I definitely know when to cuss and when not to cuss. On my blog = okay. Around my 4 year old= not okay.
I did a whole bunch of checking and unchecking on my blog today. And then I posted a comment that was not anonymous on another blog. And now I'm paranoid that others are going to read this blog. And then I decided oh well, no one I really know in real life will read this blog. Then I went and edited the post where I bitched and moaned about everyone i know and everything i do. Just in case.
I did a whole bunch of checking and unchecking on my blog today. And then I posted a comment that was not anonymous on another blog. And now I'm paranoid that others are going to read this blog. And then I decided oh well, no one I really know in real life will read this blog. Then I went and edited the post where I bitched and moaned about everyone i know and everything i do. Just in case.
This woman right here....she's a keeper!

This is Beverly. Or as I like to call her, Bevie. Or as River likes to call her, barewy....she has been a part of our family since our baby was 6 weeks old. I am blogging about her because I don't want time to ever be able to erase the gratitude I have for her in my heart. One day she was a stay at home grandma, content with taking care of Amanda and going about life as she knew it. The next day, she was meeting me, my hubby and our teeny tiny little boy. You see, River was a little early and a little little. He had a few health concerns and that left us, unprepared. unprepared. and oh yes, unprepared. Normally i'm a plan ahead type of chick. Which still baffles me, why at 37 weeks, i did not even begin to consider childcare for my baby, for when i had to return to work. It's as if God said, "everybody just chill out, i got this!"....so there we were, in her living room, meeting her for the first time.....beverly is kinda sorta not really related to us....she is (are you ready?) justin's step-brother's ex wife's mother.....neat huh???....she had heard about our dreamy mcpreemie and thought maybe she could help us out with childcare for a few months....well, a few months led to 4 years...during that 4 years, she went above and beyond the call of duty...she was AWESOME....she loves River like he is her own grandchild...he's had her wrapped around his finger since the day she met him...she was an intrical part of his first 4 years...i trust her with my heart (after all, that is what he is!!) and never EVER had to worry about him, knowing he was in good hands!...river stayed home with me until 11:15 every morning, went to Beverly's until daddy picked him up, every day for four years....river and amanda were the only kids at Bevie's and Amanda is school aged, so Bev and Riv logged a lot of hours together....there were their weekly trips to the bread store, there outings to the craft store, countless hours in her backyard, and even several golf tounaments (she got him hooked on golf!!)...we knew it wouldnt last forever...and this year, Beverly gave us plenty of notice that she would like to officially retire.....we ended up finding a school and river has since started attending...it is where he needs to be...he is progressing as he should...but i will have to tell you....nothing can bring tears to my eyes as instantly as thinking about our Bevie....she helped create my son and who he is today...and for that, i am beyond eternally and forever grateful!!!
Dear self,
dude!!! you are only 33!!! Quit thinking you are 34!!! I mean, we know you love Elton John, Willie Nelson and you like to go to bed early, but do we really need to really forget 33? What did 33 do to you anyway!!
Your beautiful 33 year old lovin' self
P.S: I know your 33 because I just pulled out the calculator. 2008 minus 1975 is 33 (haven't had a birthday in 2009). Laugh if you must, this is life on the OTHER side of the brain!!
Your beautiful 33 year old lovin' self
P.S: I know your 33 because I just pulled out the calculator. 2008 minus 1975 is 33 (haven't had a birthday in 2009). Laugh if you must, this is life on the OTHER side of the brain!!
If it were up to me....
I would live in my cute litte house, in my semi-cute little neighborhood, have my son go to the same cute little school, keep the same cute, er, shitty little job and keep my cute little husband the same every day for the rest of my God given life. I mean what is so BAD about all this?? Nothing really. But, the J man every once and awhile decides he needs a change. He would like to move. But, i don't want to move!!! or do i?? are we going to be able to sell our home?? i don't know. where in the hell am i going to find a job in the economy we have right now???ugggg....
well, on to bigger. and brighter. and more beautiful things. like, my little boy who is quickly. surely. before my very eyes. turning into a big boy.
well, on to bigger. and brighter. and more beautiful things. like, my little boy who is quickly. surely. before my very eyes. turning into a big boy.

Friday, February 6, 2009
Precious precious precious
is my time spent with family...after a whirlwind Christmas, i was left feeling void...of real and true quality time with some of my favorite people....so, as tradition dictates, we met in kearney...woo hoo....kearney, home of my alma mater and home to so many memories....also home to the 1/2 way spot between mamabear and me....so, we (gwammie, mamabear, river, me, aunt mary and amanda) met on a friday night at the good ole' Hampton Inn...best hotel on earth, imo....we had pizza from valentinos...went swimming...woke up and ate breakfast....went to lunch with bambi and family...went to target...bought some things...two dresses, underwear, shoes, yes, it was a good shopping trip...yee haw...went to the mall for more shopping and so river could play with the train set in the middle of the mall....back to the hotel....more swimming, more eating....stayed up late chatting...next day, run in the workout room, breakfast, drove home....i swear, it's weekends like that, they recharge my batteries, help me focus, cleanse my brain and boost my endorphins...it was good...it was all good....and here are some pictures to prove...

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Crazy bitch alert (see below)
to delete or not to delete? i don't think anyone reads this blog but me. so, my inclination is to leave it up. but, then i start doing the "what if" bit. what if i die and my mom stumbles across this blog. what if i die and my son stumbles across this bit in 50 years? well, what if i'm a damn human. and sometimes the thoughts i have in my head aren't exactly politically correct? what if i'm honest and in touch and give myself validation that like isn't always hunky doory. what if can go suck itself! and by the way, when did we start cussing and being raunchy on this here blog? about hte same time, i stopped giving a shit about the what ifs, is when. and i call myself a mother??? yes, and a damn good momma if i do say so.
rant over. the hippiewildmama will resume her regular scheduled brain scanning!
rant over. the hippiewildmama will resume her regular scheduled brain scanning!
Monday, January 12, 2009
i'm a fixin' to tell you
what the fuck goes on in my head on days like today.
first off. i hate mondays. but, today i decided i was going to like mondays. that didn't last long. fuck you mondays. fuck you internet bully bitches. like the stupid sunflower from thenest. you get me pissed every time. i spend way too much time on the internet. and not nearly enough time working. i'm burnt out doing what i do. and i'm fucked. because, there are no jobs i'm interested in. my (someone related to me) annoys the shit out of me. not to mention my beep, my beep and everyone else. i am so fucking negative today, that it is annoying me. i'm pissed at william topley. because i love him so much, i wanted to meet him and i couldn't. so now, i'm boycotting him. very mature. very very very. my beep bugs the piss out of me too. because she is racist and beep. and now i have to deal with it. i still hold a grudge against my step grandparents because they were so mean to me. i hate working out. i hate eating healthy. i feel like a bad mom. i feel like a bad wife. i am mad at GOD. did i mention that i hate my job?...and i hate criminals...and i hate having to listen to everyone else's god dammed problems all day every day?...and back to my beep...he bugs the shit out of me.....and these damn inmates are lining up out there to meet with me and i don't want to even fucking see them....they suck.....i hate that i worry so much about rw's name and i hope that i didn't fuck him up in any way, shape or form......can't we all just get along???...i hate when dogs jump on me and their humans don't say shit....and i hate that my husband always leaves me a dirty and gross car....love, me
first off. i hate mondays. but, today i decided i was going to like mondays. that didn't last long. fuck you mondays. fuck you internet bully bitches. like the stupid sunflower from thenest. you get me pissed every time. i spend way too much time on the internet. and not nearly enough time working. i'm burnt out doing what i do. and i'm fucked. because, there are no jobs i'm interested in. my (someone related to me) annoys the shit out of me. not to mention my beep, my beep and everyone else. i am so fucking negative today, that it is annoying me. i'm pissed at william topley. because i love him so much, i wanted to meet him and i couldn't. so now, i'm boycotting him. very mature. very very very. my beep bugs the piss out of me too. because she is racist and beep. and now i have to deal with it. i still hold a grudge against my step grandparents because they were so mean to me. i hate working out. i hate eating healthy. i feel like a bad mom. i feel like a bad wife. i am mad at GOD. did i mention that i hate my job?...and i hate criminals...and i hate having to listen to everyone else's god dammed problems all day every day?...and back to my beep...he bugs the shit out of me.....and these damn inmates are lining up out there to meet with me and i don't want to even fucking see them....they suck.....i hate that i worry so much about rw's name and i hope that i didn't fuck him up in any way, shape or form......can't we all just get along???...i hate when dogs jump on me and their humans don't say shit....and i hate that my husband always leaves me a dirty and gross car....love, me
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